A New Day

This Is The Beginning

HodeIn the first days of 2010 the Lord continued to speak to us here in the North West of England, speaking to the true Church that is the Body of Christ. The following is part of what the Lord was saying to us here but it applies to the true Church world-wide.

"The entrance to Your words gives light," Ps119:130. In days of old Israel had eyes to see but could not see and so it is now. But the lampstand is the true Church and light comes through the Church to the Church. The word is not meant to be put under a bushel but put on a lamp stand. Without the word the Church has no weapons, no revelation, no food and no light. Sadly this is the present state of the Church.

In the world things are not right; morals are declining, the weather is unpredictable, hearts are amiss, people cannot cope as they used to, stress abounds as minds begin to fragment. 1John 2:27 is the key - "And as for you, the anointing which you received from Him abides in you.". The world is passing away. Now the focus for the Church is to do the will of God. This is the beginning of the end of this age and time for the light to be put on a lampstand.

Asking the question, "Where do we begin with what the Lord has shown us? What is it that you want us to say?" clear and profoundly the Lord explained that in the beginning Adam fellowshipped with God in the garden, then after the fall He made a way for man to fellowship with Himself. As with Adam certain men, rare men like Abraham, had fellowship with God and then through Moses He moved to bring fellowship to the people through a copy of the true tabernacle, one which was built for Israel, but with washings and sacrifices to be able to come near to Him. Then, prayer worked in the Outer Court and to step into the Holy place brought man nearer to God as He would appear on earth with the high priest in the Holy of Holies. In that day a way was made that was right but temporary. And because it was only temporary one day it had to end.

The temple made with hands with its priests and legalities and law, Christ fulfilled and the new came - a New Covenant - and Jesus went into the true tabernacle, the true Holy Place, so the cleansing of the body could be done and His Spirit might come into men's bodies and make that His temple.

We, who are born again of the Spirit of God are the temple individually and corporately. It is there that we find the Lord and there that His voice is heard. His revelation is now heard inside - within. No other priesthood or temple now exists for we who are true believers are the Royal Priesthood.

It is an abomination to build temples. Men look for signs outwith themselves but the New Covenant is found within. Believers assemble as the Spirit within them tells them to assemble and as the Church corporate do this by the Spirit all the promises of scripture will be fulfilled.

The Lord spoke to us, "Those I have appointed to understand this I have appointed to speak this. The Church is looking for a temple that is exceedingly magnificent, famous and glorious throughout all lands," (1Chron.22:5) but they should look in the mirror! The only building for the Spirit is our bodies. As those who see this gather, Jesus will be in their midst. When this comes in its fulness the Church will be a carrier of the Lord and the Lord will minister through them.

There are those who have known what it is to minister in their gifting but what lies ahead will see the whole Church minister Jesus, not just a few gifted men. Jesus could minister as He willed; the 'seventy' could minister in His Name with His delegated authority; the 'ministry gifts' minister as those with delegated authority; but the whole Church has Jesus in them and this ministry, though different, will be Jesus ministering through His end-time Church. He doesn't want prominent men, only Jesus is to have the preeminence.

The Lord said, "When I get a people who see this it will rock the world." The Church herself needs to understand what she is and that the greatest Teacher lives inside them. (1John 2:27)

D.A . 10th January 2010

Impressions of July 2010

In July the Lord began to speak about His Church being as the Prodigal Son and unaware, in the main, of what is coming. He explained that the events that were already unfolding are necessary to change us, who are His Church - His Body -  and that our 'hearing' will begin with humility and repentance leading to a walk of faith. Again, these words came with the realisation that an awesome time in history is now here. 

The following are just some of the impressions from that time which I share as they apply to the Church world-wide. May we have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.

Download "Impressions of 11th July 2010"  (76k)

The Trumpet Sounds

In September 2010 we had a message brought to us here in Ulverston which spoke the manifestation of the sons of God. We are well aware that there have been many understandings that have been brought under the title of the 'manifestation of the sons of God,' some of which may well bring error. But this is an outstanding  prophecy that is nevertheless in scripture - "For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the manifestation of the sons of God" - "For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God." (Rom.8:19 & 14) This timely message we knew was brought as a ‘trumpet call’ that had to be spoken even if there were none to hear. 

We had no idea at the time but this meeting coincided with the Feast of Tabernacles that year. And afterwards, came the understanding this was spoken on the 25th of the ninth month, a day after the Lord had given this message to be spoken out - i.e. the 24th of the ninth month, a similar timing as that which we read of in Haggai 2:18, the date the temple was founded in the days of Israel of old. Thus we were to realise this was the sounding out that the time typified by Pentecost as regards the Church was over and though Tabernacles, the Feast of Fulness was coming, this was still ahead. So we believe we are now in the day akin to the Feast of Trumpets as the Lord is now sounding out His warning with a new clarity that a day of separation is coming, the great falling away, but also the bringing forth of the Bride of Christ that will be the end time Church without spot or wrinkle.

Pentecost was a feast celebrated with leaven and in the same way the Lord has allowed the tares and wheat to grow together for 2000 years, But as we reach the end of the Church Age this word we received from the Lord has sounded out the trumpet call that this day of mixture and compromise is now over and a time for being led by the Spirit is now more than ever a necessity; it is not an option. 

So we bring an MP3 download of the messages we received that day, the 25th September 2010.

Download "Session 1 - The Manifest Sons Of God"  (84.2 MB 1:13:35)

Download "Session 2 - No Mixture, No Compromise"  (47 MB 41:06)

Download "Session 3 - No Self"  (44.9 MB 39:15)

Download "Session 4 - Walking By Faith Not By Sight"  (59.3 MB 51:50)

Pentecost Is Over

The Lord has continued to bring revelation to us here in Ulverston regarding the time we are in as it affects the Church worldwide. These revelations speak of what He is doing and what He is going to do. In February we gathered together again to hear a message regarding the Feasts of Israel and how these typify the transition of the Church from the mixture of Pentecost to the coming purity of the Feast of Tabernacles which was a feast celebrated without leaven. In this section I share these messages that speak of these feasts, the necessity for true repentance and a walk in the Spirit with an understanding of the blood covenant we have in Jesus blood.

We are living at the end of the age and world events are confirming this to those who watch the fig tree (Israel) and all the trees (nations) as Jesus told us to do. (Matt.24:32 & 33) So a clear trumpet sound warning those with ears to hear has been sounded out. The following audio messages are what we heard :-

Download "Session 1 - The Feasts of Israel "  (63.2 MB 1:09:03)

Download "Session 2 - Repentance"  (61.5 MB 1:07:11)

Download "Session 3 - Walking In The Spirit"  (39.4 MB 43:01)

Download "Session 4 - Our Blood Covenant"  (38.1 MB 41:36)


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